Transport of food alcohol ADR

Transport of alcohol is also the transport of food products, but due to the specificity of this commodity, its transport requires professional knowledge, extensive experience and the use of specialized vehicles. Our ADR food tankers are fully adapted to the transport of alcohol and have a number of additional security features, ensuring safety for both the product and the entire environment.

Many years of experience in the field of alcohol transport and care for the quality of the transported product translate into a growing group of satisfied customers, to whom we provide a fleet of over 35 ADR tankers.

All our ADR food tanks are adapted for transport: UN1169, UN1170, UN1197, UN3065. LGBF tankers are additionally insulated, equipped with a set of reductions and unloading hoses, a pump for loading or unloading, have measuring strips and the necessary sealing places to ensure adequate excise protection of alcohol.

Our trained ADR drivers, together with a safety advisor, will ensure the right service for your product.

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